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I have always admired the determined face of the black eyed susan. These beautiful flowers are a symbol of encouragement, and perseverance. They bravely grow in fields of hay, and along road sides, brightening and lifting spirits, wherever they are planted. When paired with the gentleness of daisies, they create a beautiful bouquet of encouragment for new beginnings, continued joy, and positivity.


"Love and kindness co-exist in nature. For that is where the eyes of encouragment watch over those who need it most."


This piece is a 14 x 11 Mixed Media original painting on canvas. Created with real brown eyed susans, daisies, and other native plants. It is done with heavy body acrylic paint, on canvas. Kamar varnish is applied for protection and longevity. Enhanced with a white float style frame, comes wired and ready for display.

Eyes of Encouragement - Original

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